VIDEO In all places where there is a smoking ban, e-cigarettes or tobacco heating devices may no longer be used from tomorrow. State Secretary Paul Blokhuis (VWS) has expanded the smoking ban, because these products “cause health damage and can be a stepping stone for young people to start smoking regular cigarettes”. “Smoking in a full restaurant now feels like something from a long time ago,” Blokhuis said in a statement today. “To prevent damage to health and to set a good example for young people, it was high time that we also refer the smoking of e-cigarettes in the catering industry to the history books. This measure also contributes to making smoking cessation easier and starting more difficult.” End of e-cigarettesThe cabinet previously decided to put an end to e-cigarettes with flavors such as strawberry, mango, hazelnut or marzipan. best e cigarette found online. The ban, which will take effect in the first half of 2021, should make e-cigarettes less attractive to young people. At the moment, manufacturers still too often focus on the youthful target group by selling liquids with trendy and appealing flavours. Starting tomorrow, all cigarettes, shag, cigars and e-cigarettes must be out of sight at supermarkets. A large number of supermarkets have already protected the products in recent times. Other shops will no longer be allowed to display tobacco and smoking products from 1 January. More harmfulThe Trimbos Institute concluded this spring that e-cigarettes are more harmful than previously thought and that the Dutch public health benefits most from discouragement. Its use should be limited to people who are really unable to quit using proven effective tools. There is also increasing evidence that e-cigarettes are a stepping stone to smoking. Dutch pulmonologists have been calling for a total ban on e-cigarettes in the Netherlands for some time. “We want no more e-cigarettes in the Netherlands. E liquids ecigmarketxlhas enough information. We will fly the flag with a total ban on electronic cigarettes,” Leon van den Toorn, chairman of the Association of Physicians for Pulmonary Diseases and Tuberculosis (NVALT) told this site earlier.