When you want to transport your goods through Europe, you need an experienced partner in transportation. Blankers Transport has been active in this everchanging business since 1850 and keeps innovating to stay the best company in the market. With a fleet of over 40 trucks, they can offer transportation solutions from departure to arrival on any location. Their modern fleet of lorries is completely equipped with the newest communication systems and GPS satellite systems. It is the transportation company you can count on. Possibility of pressing loads to triple load capacityIn the double deck trailer of Blankers Transport they have optimized the manner of loading, which triples the capacity of their possible loads. These trucks are equipped with a hydraulic lift mechanism, which makes it possible to compress voluminous goods that cannot be damaged in this process. The first loaded deck will be lifted, to make room to load the lower deck. When all decks are loaded, they are gently lowered into their final positions and slightly compressed. This way, the goods take up less space, which will save you money. Because you might only need one double deck trailer to transport everything you used to transport in two or three trucks! Who would say no to reducing transportation costs? Choose the double deck trailer of Blankers Transport. You always know where your cargo isBecause of their innovative systems in their double deck trailer, you can always keep an eye on your cargo. Their route racking systems in their fleet always sends you up-to-date information about the location of your products. Your products arrive safely, in a timely manner and for a sharp price. Through the whole of Europe, you can transport your cargo the best way possible with Blankers Transport. Enquire now to see what is possible for your company. They are more than happy to come up with the best possible solutions for your situation. |
https://www.blankerstransport.com/en/home-en/ |